Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Find and replace in text files recursive using grep and sed

I've created a small shell script for searching and replacing text in multiple files in a subdirectory.
My reason was that I needed a tool to change the ip-address of several mysql-servers in several files named config.ini, all residing in subdirectories.
The syntax is:
$ ./myfile.sh old-ip new-ip

And here is the script:

for fl in `find ./* | grep config.ini$`;
echo $fl
sed --in-place "s/$1/$2/g" $fl

The reason for me doing this is that I'm using Amazon EC2. For a fast connection, I need to use the EC2 internal IP. When I for some reason need to change the MySQL server to be called, that internal ip is changed, and hence I need to change my config files.