Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All your graphs are belong to us - Google Visualization

I don't know if I've lived under a stone or something, but I missed the release of Google Visualization. It's a great javascript library for making increadible graphs of all types of the same type as google use on Google Analytics.

I tried it yesterday and the results where amazing. I replaced some old gif graphs with Google graphs, and suddenly I had beautiful, interactive graphs created on the fly!

I know I've said it before - I really, really like Google, and tools like these are one of many many reasons.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Easy to use Javascript Image Cropper UI with Prototype.js

I just found this great javascript library that is an user interface for cropping images. It depends on both prototype.js and scriptaculous, which I like since I'm using them on all my projects.
The code is easy to use, and I integrated it into my Zend Framework with a couple of hours work (most of the work was actually not related to the cropping ui, but with the actual file handling and image cropping).

Anyway, it's great, big thanks to David Spurr! Use it, love it, tip it!